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The Secretariat in Strasbourg, France, is the executive office of the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization. It receives applications and organises the review process, and co-ordinates the activities of the Board of Trustees, the Council of Scientists and the Review Committees. Enquiries about HFSP should be directed to the Secretariat. Enquiries should be made to the appropriate office listed below.

Executive Office

Contact: Click here to show mail address

Secretary General
Prof. Pavel KABAT (the Netherlands)

Deputy Secretary General
Hirokazu KUMEKAWA (Japan)

Senior Executive Officer
Irene KUGE (USA)

Awards Division

Fellowship Office

Contact for Research Grants: 
Click here to show mail address 

Contact for Fellowships: 
Click here to show mail address

Director of Awards
Dr. Almut KELBER (Germany)

Dean of Masterclasses (Director of Fellowships) 
Dr. Barbara Pauly (Germany)

Scientific Officer
Elyse WILLIAMS (New Zealand; start: 02/09/2024)

Program Awards Officers
Marie-Claude PERDIGUES (France)
Carine SCHMITT (France)

Science Policy and Communications

Click here to show mail address

Chief Scientific Officer
Dr. Guntram BAUER (Germany)

Scientific Writer and Editor
D. Rachael BISHOP (USA)

Science and Communications Officer
Liliana GONÇALVES (Portugal)


Finance: Click here to show mail address
IT: Click here to show mail address

Chief Operations Officer
Dr. Olaf KELM (Germany)

Director of Finance
Jennifer SAYOL (France)

IT Systems Manager
Xavier SCHNEIDER (France)

Operations Officer
Séverine ETCHANCHU (France)

Digital Workspace Officer
Russel BACHA (Lebanon; start: 01/07/2024)