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Restoring axonal regeneration in neurodegenerative diseases

Several neurodegenerative conditions including most instances of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia are characterized by mislocalization of the nuclear RNA binding protein TDP-43. Among widespread TDP-43-mediated RNA processing alterations, suppression of the neuronal stathmin-2 protein from premature polyadenylation of its mRNA is shown to be crucial for defects in axonal regeneration associated with TDP-43 loss of function, highlighting stathmin-2 as a novel therapeutic target in neurodegenerative diseases.

Dysfunction in RNA metabolism has emerged as a pivotal mechanism underlying several neurodegenerative diseases, in particular amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD), two age-dependent neurodegenerative disorders that are linked mechanistically and clinically. A landmark contribution to understanding cellular mechanisms of ALS and FTD came from the discovery of cytoplasmic accumulation and nuclear loss of the RNA binding protein TDP-43 from affected neurons in most instances of ALS, as well as in approximately half of patients with FTD. TDP-43 plays central roles in RNA metabolism, and it is anticipated that loss of nuclear TDP-43 in affected neurons drives processing alterations of multiple RNAs. Unexplained, however, is how TDP-43 dysfunction is directly linked to provoking degeneration of motor neurons, the key event in development of paralysis in ALS.



Figure: In healthy neurons (left) TDP-43 is localized to the nucleus and maintains normal processing of stathmin-2 pre-mRNA through binding to intron 1 of the nascent RNA transcript and repression of premature polyadenylation. In ALS (right) TDP-43 is cleared from the nucleus of affected motor neurons, a premature polyadenylation signal (AUUAAA) is uncovered in intron 1 of stathmin-2 pre-mRNA, leading to altered processing and expression of a truncated stathmin-2 RNA. The consequence from suppression of stathmin-2 expression in affected motor neurons is increased vulnerability due to inhibition of axonal regeneration.

By modelling the consequences of TDP-43 loss or mutation in cultured human neurons, we identified a new critical role for TDP-43 in the maturation of mRNAs encoding stathmin-2, a tubulin-binding protein previously implicated in axonal growth and regeneration. We show that normally, TDP-43 binds stathmin-2 transcript to maintain its proper processing into mature mRNA, whereas loss of TDP-43 leads to suppression of stathmin-2 levels as a consequence of truncating the mRNA encoding stathmin-2. Mechanistically, a premature polyadenylation site in intron 1 of stathmin-2 pre-mRNA is uncovered upon TDP-43 loss of function, leading to production of a shortened, aberrant RNA. The direct consequence of this event is nearly complete loss of the stathmin-2 protein product.

Importantly, analysis of post-mortem samples of human spinal cords has identified that aberrant processing of stathmin-2 pre-mRNA is a hallmark of ALS which is consistently found in spinal motor neurons and motor cortex of both sporadic ALS and familial ALS patients carrying a repeat expansion in the C9orf72 gene, the most frequent genetic cause of ALS and FTD.

Stathmin-2 has been associated with neuronal growth and regeneration, most likely due its function in microtubule dynamics. To test whether suppression of stathmin-2 increases motor neuron vulnerability, we cultured human motor neurons derived from induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs) in a two-compartment microfluidic device. Application of mechanical damage to their axonal processes in the distal compartment (without affecting the neuronal bodies) led to rapid axonal regeneration accompanied by accumulation of stathmin-2 in the growth cones and regenerating axons. Reduction in either TDP-43 or stathmin-2 almost completely suppressed motor neuron regeneration after initial damage. Remarkably, although loss of TDP-43 affects the levels or splicing of 1500 mRNAs, restoration of stathmin-2 to TDP-43 depleted motor neurons restored axonal regeneration capacity, strongly supporting stathmin-2 as an essential component of motor neuron regeneration.  

In summary, our study identified premature polyadenylation-mediated suppression of stathmin-2 as a new hallmark of ALS/FTD that functionally links reduced nuclear TDP-43 function to enhanced neuronal vulnerability. These findings highlight probable dysfunction in microtubule dynamics as a pivotal mechanism underlying ALS and seed the basis for future therapeutic approaches restoring stathmin-2 levels in multiple neurodegenerative diseases in which TDP-43 loss is known to be a prominent pathology.

The HFSP Long-Term Fellowship was instrumental for the transition from basic RNA research into studying neurodegeneration and ALS, providing the inspiration and confidence that by moving from one’s comfort zone – an unexpected discovery may arise.



Premature polyadenylation-mediated loss of stathmin-2 is a hallmark of TDP-43-dependent neurodegeneration. Ze’ev Melamed, Jone López-Erauskin, Michael W. Baughn, Ouyang Zhang, Kevin Drenner, Ying Sun, Fernande Freyermuth, Moira A. McMahon, Melinda S. Beccari, Jon W. Artates, Takuya Ohkubo, Maria Rodriguez, Nianwei Lin, Dongmei Wu, C. Frank Bennett, Frank Rigo, Sandrine Da Cruz, John Ravits, Clotilde Lagier-Tourenne, Don W. Cleveland. Nature Neuroscience 2019.

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Premature polyadenylation-mediated loss of stathmin-2 is a hallmark of TDP-43-dependent neurodegeneration. Ze’ev Melamed, Jone López-Erauskin, Michael W. Baughn, Ouyang Zhang, Kevin Drenner, Ying Sun, Fernande Freyermuth, Moira A. McMahon, Melinda S. Beccari, Jon W. Artates, Takuya Ohkubo, Maria Rodriguez, Nianwei Lin, Dongmei Wu, C. Frank Bennett, Frank Rigo, Sandrine Da Cruz, John Ravits, Clotilde Lagier-Tourenne, Don W. Cleveland. Nature Neuroscience 2019.