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HFSP awards during the coronavirus pandemic

HFSPO has implemented measures to minimise the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic on its operations, while ensuring the safety and wellbeing of HFSP staff and services that support our work.

1 September 2021

This page has information for anyone who is currently holding an HFSP award.

For HFSP Fellows

HFSP is a funder of your research but is not your employer. Therefore, unfortunately, we have no means for any logistic, material, or financial support in addition to what we have committed to in the award agreement. 

Until the end of June 2022, fellows that were awarded in the years up to 2021 can request an exceptional no-cost extension allowing them to use the fellowship money longer than anticipated.

HFSP will continue to monitor the situation closely and will provide updates as necessary to our awardees. We invite you to consult this webpage and our social media channels regularly for updated information.  

For HFSP Grant Awardees

Until the end of June 2022, teams that hold grants awarded in the years 2017 to 2021 can request an exceptional no-cost extension allowing them to use the money longer than anticipated.

How to contact us

Email correspondance is the preferred way of communicating with the Secretariat. For questions or assistance regarding award management please contact the Research Grant Office at Click here to show mail address or the Fellowship Office at Click here to show mail address.

For all other inquiries please contact Click here to show mail address or Click here to show mail address.