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HFSP Research Grants 2025: Call for Letters of Intent

Crafted to foster new avenues of research through global scientific collaboration, the HFSP Research Grants empower scientists worldwide each year. The application window for the 2025 cycle is open from now until March 28, 2024.

HFSP research initiatives push the boundaries of knowledge, emphasizing the involvement of scientists from diverse fields like chemistry, engineering, physics, mathematics, or nanoscience in Life Science projects. Successful applications will embrace risk, aiming to forge innovative research directions distinct from the applicants' current endeavors.

LOI RG 2025

In the spirit of encouraging novel and bold ideas, HFSP research grant applications do not require the presentation of preliminary results. Instead, applicants are expected to explore new paths of research through collaboration.

Research Grants span three years and are granted to international teams of 2–4 members who haven't previously collaborated. Research Grants – Early Career are designed for researchers within 5 years of establishing an independent lab and within 10 years of obtaining their PhDs. Research Grants – Program are open to scientists at all career stages, with a strong encouragement for early-career scientists to join Program Grant teams. The funding amount depends on team size, reaching up to $500,000 per year for a team of four. The principal applicant must be based in one of the HFSP member countries; co-investigators can be from any country.

The Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) champions innovative basic research tackling fundamental biological problems, employing novel and interdisciplinary approaches while fostering scientific exchanges across borders.

Prospective applicants are urged to carefully review the guidelines. Starting in mid-January 2024, the application process will run until March 19, 2024, with the Letter of Intent deadline set for March 28, 2024.