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Press Release - the 2022 class of HFSP Fellows

HFSP announces the 2022 Postdoctoral Fellowships.

HFSP announces the 65 young researchers who will challenge traditional thinking by investigating, among other things, antigen recognition in skin cells, the neuromodulation of decision making, bacterial rotary nanomachines and by developing wireless ultrasound monitoring for freely moving animals.

The International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) announced today the 65 fellowships awarded to the world’s most outstanding young life scientists, chosen from a total of 493 submitted letters of intent through rigorous international selection via a newly introduced two-step procedure. The HFSP fellows will begin their research in a new field of biology in a laboratory in a new country, in accord with HFSPO’s aim to promote international collaboration in life science research.

HFSP Long-Term Fellowships are for postdoctoral scientists in biology. A total of 56 Long-Term Fellowships will be awarded to the very best of the world’s young scientists who have proposed original approaches at the frontier of life science research. 

HFSP Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships support 9 young scientists with a PhD outside the life sciences, such as chemistry or physics. These fellows will make a bold change in research direction by leaving their field of training to embark on research that is at the interface of biology and neighboring disciplines. 

HFSP fellowships enjoy an excellent reputation and offer a built-in return component. Starting in their second year of tenure, HFSP fellows can draw up plans for setting up their own independent laboratory. Fellows can then use the remaining time of their tenure to move to the new location. Each fellowship is worth about 225,000 USD spread over three years. HFSP provides these outstanding young talents with an enhanced financial package to support their career in frontier research.

Lists of 2022 HFSP awards

The Human Frontier Science Program is an international program of research support implemented by the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization (HFSPO) based in Strasbourg, France. Its aims are to promote intercontinental collaboration and training in cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research focused on the life sciences. HFSPO receives financial support from the governments or research councils of Australia, Canada, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Singapore, Switzerland, the UK, the USA, as well as from the European Union. With its collaborative research grants and postdoctoral fellowships, the Program has issued over 4500 awards involving more than 7500 scientists from all over the world.  Since the beginning of the Program in 1989, 28 HFSP awardees have gone on to win the Nobel Prize.